ISEES Energy Efficiency and Conservation Department is part of our Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency with focus on promoting energy efficiency and energy conservation in households and industries in Ghana and Africa.
ISEES catalyzes energy efficiency development through research, training, advisory services, technology provision, and energy management services to households, businesses, and industries to enhance energy conservation. ISEES works with a faculty of research, training and industry experts to achieve the vision of helping households and institutions practice energy conservation.
Our services under this department include the following:
- In-depth research and knowledge development on energy-efficient solutions for households and industry
- Training Courses, Seminars, and Workshops in energy efficiency, conservation, energy audits, energy management, and the efficient use of energy-efficient tools and softwares to build high caliber team of energy-efficient professionals with the right expertise to transform the energy efficiency sector in Ghana.
- Advisory services on energy efficiency, energy conservation, and energy management
- Effective Energy Audits in households and industries with actionable plans
- Energy conservation education among youth in schools and community-based youth associations to facilitate energy efficiency awareness.
- Technology promotion – with focus on the provision of energy-efficient products, and innovative EE technologies including electrical, heating, cooling and lighting systems
- Provision of energy-efficient metering and monitoring solutions as well as the development or deployment of energy-efficient softwares to help households and industries and service providers manage energy effectively.
- Development of a network of energy-efficient professionals and stakeholders to contribute to knowledge development, and policy advocacy.
What we Offer Clients to our Department for Energy Efficiency,
- Improving the efficiency of energy usage and generation
- Eliminating Energy Wastage
- Reduced Cost of energy bills – including electricity bills, heating bills and cooling bills.
- Improving operational efficiency to lower energy cost by households and businesses
- Capacity building and knowledge transfer on energy conservation and energy management
- A strengthened energy-efficient network of professionals contributing significantly to energy conservation in Ghana and Africa.
Our Uniqueness
The Department of Energy Efficiency of the Institute have the requisite expertise in the following areas
- Local Knowledge – We have professionals with strong experience and understanding of the local market in Ghana
- Industry knowledge – our team has several years of expertise and extensive knowledge of the energy efficiency and energy management sector
- Capacity – Our Faculty draws from academia and industry experts locally and internationally to provide services to households and industries\
Products and Services
- Energy Saving Devices – We offer various energy saving devices for homes and industrial purposes in partnership with other private sector clients which are specifically designed to conserve energy
- Energy Monitoring Solutions (Metering, and EMS) – Our Energy monitoring solutions helps track energy usage in buildings and industry, verifies energy cost savings to determine returns on investment of new equipment, monitors equipment runtimes to diagnose causes of occupant comfort complaints, monitors equipment for wastage to improve energy efficiency
- Software Application for Energy Consumption Analytics – We promote the integration of energy management softwares to provide all kinds of energy consumption analytics on time, real-time to help households and industry make informed energy investment decisions
- Energy Optimization Systems – Highly secured cloud-based softwares that work with existing energy systems to reduce energy cost in commercial buildings
- Renewable Energy Solutions – as part of efforts to enhancing conservation in households and industry, ISEES advises integrating practical and affordable solutions to address the electricity needs helping reduce air pollution and cut global warming emissions.
- Online Energy Efficient Technology Deployment – Development of Energy Efficient Online Market Place for clients to access energy-efficient solutions.
- Community-Based Energy Conservation in Urban Households Program – COBECUH Program
This program is aimed at helping 1000 urban households to implement energy conservation initiatives to reduce their household energy expenditure as well as adopt improved technology for efficient energy management. It includes energy conservation education through the training of energy-efficient advisors who visit households to provide energy-efficient education in households and communities. It also involves training specific household members to be involved in ensuring energy efficient behaviors among households
The School Based Energy Conservation Education Program by ISEES is aimed at educating basic and second cycle institutions on the need for energy conservation both at home and at schools and to make them energy conservation advocates and form careers in the energy conservation sector.
The program also seeks to catalyze innovative thinking among basic, secondary and tertiary students to develop innovative solutions for energy conservation in Ghana
ISEES seeks to launch Youth in Energy Conservation Challenge in secondary and tertiary institutions to support students to think outside the box in coming out with creative solutions to address energy conservation challenges in Ghana.
3. Industrial Energy Efficiency Transformation Program
The IEET Program seeks to educate officials of industries and companies as well as corporate bodies to practice energy conservation in their companies. This will be done through education and awareness creation among industries and companies in Ghana requiring energy conservation practices.
ISEES expert staff will provide energy audit and energy management advisory services to industries and companies to enable them practice energy conservation initiatives as well as provide linkages to financing to support industries to switch to energy efficient technologies and solutions in their businesses.
As part of efforts to achieve this program, ISEES staff participated in the Association of Ghana Industries Energy Service Center training program on Energy Efficiency in Industries program, to build their capacity to deliver efficient services to industries in October 2020 and has since been developing a comprehensive program of action to advocate for energy efficiency in households and industries from 2021.
4. Promotion of Energy Efficient Technologies
The Energy Efficient Technology Promotion Program of the Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions (ISEES) seeks to research and identify innovative energy efficient technologies and promote it through its sustainable market development program to enable households and industries become aware of innovations in energy efficiency and develop the willingness to switch and adopt energy efficient technologies.
Through exhibitions, technology fairs, awareness creation campaigns and visits to industries to showcase technologies, ISEES seeks to drive energy conservation technology promotion in Ghana and Africa
so far ISEES has facilitated access to over 10,000 LED bulbs, 100 energy efficient fans as well as refrigeration, air conditioning and household and industrial energy management technologies and contributing to saving a significant watt hours of electricity yearly in Ghana.
Contact [email protected] or Telephone/whats App 0248737439 / 0244108268