Digital Global Biogas Corporation Project
The main idea of the DiBiCoo project is to trigger market uptake of biogas and biomethane projects through the initialisation of demo cases for the application of biogas/biomethane technologies in developing and emerging countries providing high biogas potential. This will be supported by interconected digital and non-digital support tools and decided stakeholder involvement. In the DiBiCoo project, the main focus is on biogas and biomethane value chains which are based on anaerobic digestion (AD) technologies.
The Digital Global Biogas Cooperation Project (DiBiCoo) is an European Union Horizon2020 funded project that seeks to develop sustainable markets for Biogas and Bioenergy between Europe and Developing Countries, in Ghana, Indonesia, South Africa and Ethiopia etc.
The overall objective of the project is to facilitate knowledge development, technoogy transfer, capacity building and market development between the European biogas and biomethane industry and developing and emerging countries including Ghana. This is achieved through the development of digital and non-digital support tools, and actions, knowledge transer, and capacity building as well as technical and business development support for biogas entrepreneurs up to the investment stage.
The project will increase the share of renewable energies both in Europe and in developing countries such as Ghana with special focus on large scale biogas technologies and biomass gasiication techonologies for industries, companies, institutions and municipalities.
The project will work with stakeholders in the biogas industry including policy makers, regulators, private sector actors, institutions, municipalities, financial institutions and industries to enhance knowledge exchange, and achieve the objectives of the project outlined above.
The project is being implemented by 13 consortium partners in 9 countries led by GIZ GmbH in Germany, globally and ISEES in Ghana
Overview of what we do
Some Key Project Information

DibiCoo in Ghana
In Ghana, the DiBiCoo project is being implemented by the Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions headoffice at Madina Estates, Accra. The project is being Managed in Ghana by Project Manager Dr. Mutala Mohammed and Lovans Owusu-Takyi who lead a dynamic team of experts in project implementation.

Webnar Series
A series of Capacity Building Workshops has been organized to build capacity of global biogas and biomass gasification practitioners.
To learn more about the webinar Series please click here
Web Seminars – DiBiCoo

Project Results and Deliverables
The Dibicoo Project has produced a number of Knowledge Based Results and Deliverables that provide insights of experiences gained from the Project.
To read more about it please visit here:
Project Results – DiBiCoo
DiBiCoo is part of ISEES Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Unit with focus on promoting biogas technologies for liquid waste treatment in communities and industries in Ghana and Africa. It falls in line with our program of developing Sustainable Markets for Renewable Energy Technologies in Ghana and Africa
Global Project Partners
The Project is being coordinated by GIZ GmbH including 13 institutional partners in 9 countries
Please visit here to read more about our partners and Project Implementation Team here:
Consortium – DiBiCoo
The Project has an international Team of Advisory Board Members who provide support to the Project
To learn more about the project advisory board members please click here
Invitation to Free DibicooInternational Workshop on Business Design Training for Biogas and Bioenergy Companies, Industries, Policy Makers, Practitioners and Entrepreneurs in #Ghana.
Starting 8th March 2022. Register here:
Are you a biogas or bioenergy company seeking to scale your business, redesign your business model to increase your market share, gain access to financing and connect to International partners who could support your business to scale?
The Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions (ISEES) and the Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (Dibicoo) Project ( Invites biogas and bioenergy entrepreneurs, and practitioners to apply to participate in an International Business Design Training Workshop starting *March 8th, 2022*
The project is under the Auspices of European Commission #Horizon2020 coordinated by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with 13 consortium partners including Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions – Isees Isees Ghana.
The training is facilitated by Experts from Europe with co-trainers and participants from #Ghana, #South_Africa and #Ethiopia
Participants will get an opportunity to refine their business models, understand bioenergy case studies that could help prepare their businesses to scale. The training will also include coaching sessions with experts and linkages to international network of project developers and businesses globally to help them scale their businesses to the next level.
Expected Participants include Directors, Chief Executive Officers and Leading Managerial Personnel of Biogas and Bioenergy Companies, Industries using Bioenergy for their boilers, District Assemblies Personnel Intending to develop Biogas Projects, Policy Makers, Project Developers in Ghana and Africa.
To register kindly fill this form by 5th March 2022. For any clarifications contact [email protected]
ISEES invites registration to a Hybrid Capacity building workshop on the Financing of Large Scale Biogas Digesters organized by the “Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (DiBiCoo)” project.
The workshop is aimed at providing skills and experiences on the developing climate finance schemes for biogas and bioenergy projects as well as financial viability (profitability) of biogas systems in Europe and Africa.
It will be held on the following dates and venue.
Date: Wednesday,
Time: 9:00am each day
Registration Link:
The Association of Ghana Industries have held its 3 day annual Industrial Summit and Exhibition at the Accra International Conference Center in Accra.
The Summit provided opportunity for industries and companies to interact and share ideas especially on the onset of the African Contintental Free Trade Area issues.
ISEES and the Digital Global Biogas Cooperation Project was there to interact with industry actors on the adoption of biogas and biomass gasification technologies and how to promote sustainability.
The second Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (DiBiCoo)- Ghana stakeholders’ consultative workshop has ended in Accra with an assurance by the Ministry of Energy of developing a regulatory framework for the biogas industry in Ghana.
The workshop was organised by the Institute of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solution (ISEES), a non-profit research and training institution in Ghana, to provide local stakeholders with the opportunity to work together and get involved in the DiBiCoo programme.
The DiBiCoo is European Union Horizon 2020 Project, which seeks to create a sustainable market for biogas/biomethane between Ghana, Europe, Indonesia, South Africa and 13 consultative partners in nine countries being coordinated by GIZ.
Mr Seth Mahu, the Director of Renewable Energy of the Ministry of Energy, who gave the assurance in an address, said the time had come for biogas to be brought into proper focus in Ghana because of the enormous opportunity for the country.
“My search at the Energy Commission indicates that the Commission has already taken measures to draft the first biogas regulatory framework and after this event, we are going to escalate it and get the Minister to communicate to the Executive Secretary to expedite action in developing and completing the framework for the industry.
“I want to give you the Minister’s assurance that we are going to work with the Energy Commission to ensure that the regulatory framework for biogas is developed as quickly as possible,” he said.
Mr Mahu said when that was done it would assist to turn waste into useful products such as biogas for electricity generation for heat and other applications while helping to address the major sanitation issues that confront the country.
He said it would also go a long way to bring in the needed investment, both local and foreign, to be able to accelerate and sustain the development of the economy.
“We have been able to develop Bio-Energy National Action Plan and the draft-final is currently on the Minister’s desk. Shortly we would be inviting some of you here, if not all, to join us to do the final review of that document to ensure that it meets the expectation of the industry,” he said.
Mr Mahu said: “We believe that can be a precursor to provide the necessary information, the necessary data, as well as what we will be getting from the private sector to help us come out with a regulatory framework that would be organic; that is going to address the needs of the industry.”
Mr Prosper Ahmed Amuquandoh, the Inspector in-charge of Renewable Energy at the Energy Commission, urged practitioners in the biogas industry to be self-regulatory by weeding out quacks among them.
He said: “In every jurisdiction where the market thrives, you would realize that statutory regulation has very little role to play because the industry is self-regulatory. So you guys have to open your eyes and rout out the bad ones among you because if you have quacks; he or she would contribute to the negative experiences and negative practices either for the market or the technology,” he said.
Mr Amuquandoh said concerning the Renewable Energy Act, it was sent back to Parliament for amendment, which had already been done to allow Bui Power to get to the forefront of Renewable Energy activities and to address issues with tariffs and competitive bidding.
Mr Lovans Owusu-Takyi, the Director of ISEES, said his organization work in various sectors such as renewable energy, energy efficiency space, climate and natural resources management, biodiversity, water sanitation and hygiene.
“One of our key areas is to create a sustainable market and to enhance access to renewable energy for both grassroots and businesses, and this DiBiCoo Project sets itself very well with us. We want to make sure that technology transfer between Europe and Africa is increased and knowledge is spread to understand the technologies that are in Europe and be able to adopt them,” he said.
Mr Owusu-Takyi said: “We hoping that district assemblies, companies that are working in fruit juice, those who are into animal husbandry and others would be able to understand the concept of biogas technologies and be able to raise the profile of biogas in Ghana.”
As part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’, under the call ‘Market Uptake Support’; the Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (DiBiCoo) project held its kick-off meeting in Brussels, on October 30 & 31, 2019; in the presence of representatives from 13 participating organizations across four continents.
The overall objective of the project is to support the European biogas/biomethane industry by preparing markets for the export of sustainable biogas/biomethane technologies from Europe to developing and emerging countries. The project will help mitigate GHG emissions and increase the share of global renewable energy generation. The project also contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 7) for ‘Affordable and clean energy”, among others.
DiBiCoo aims to mutually benefit Europe and developing countries markets through facilitating dialogue between European biogas industries and biogas stakeholders or developers from emerging and developing markets. The consortia works to advance knowledge transfer and experience sharing to improve local policies that allow increased market uptake by target countries.
As part of the deliverables, DiBiCoo will identify five demo cases up to investment stages in each of the 5 importing countries. Facilitated through a digital match-making platform and classical capacity development mechanisms for improved networking, information sharing, and technical/financial competences.
During the kick-off meeting, representatives of the consortia presented their respective work packages and discussed implementation plans with the project officer of the EU, as well as the expected deliverables for the 33 months project timeline.
The target developing countries and their respective partner institutions are Argentina (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria), Ethiopia (Iceaddis IT Consultancy PLC), Ghana (Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions), Indonesia (Inisiasi Pengkajian Resiliensi – Resilience Development Initiative), and South Africa (GreenCape and Selectra CC). These countries have been selected because of the high market potential for biogas projects, along with favorable regulatory environment and support schemes.
The European partner countries involve Germany (WIP Renewable Energies GmbH & Co. KG and the Fachverband Biogas – German Biogas Association), Austria (ARGE Kompost & Biogas – Austrian Compost and Biogas Association and the Austrian Energy Agency), Belgium (European Biogas Association); with the technical support from the Latvia Life Science University.
The project with a budget of 3 Million Euros is implemented by the consortia and coordinated by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. EUs Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) oversees the project on behalf of the European Commission
The Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions (ISEES) under the auspices of the Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (DiBiCoo) Project ( ) with funding from the European Union Horizon2020 request the services of an individual business design training consultant to join a consortium of international trainers in providing localized business design training for Biogas and Bioenergy practitioners in Ghana from February 2022 to May 2022
Application Procedure
Interested applicants may write to [email protected] to request for detailed
Terms of Reference and should submit technical and financial proposals to the above email not later than *31st January, 2022*
Interested trainers should have at least a minimum of BSc Degree (preferably Masters) in a relevant field with about 5 – 10 years experience providing business development training services.
The 2nd Stakeholder Workshop of the Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (DiBiCoo Project) has been held at the Ange Hill Hotel in Accra
The workshop was organized as a hybrid style with participants from the Ministries of Energy, Energy Commission, Ministry of Finance, Private Enterprise Financing Network (PFAN) among others.
The workshop provided opportunity to update Ghana stakeholders on the status of theproject, and also build members capacity on various initiatives being undertaken by the project globally
The workshop was facilitated by both national and international experts within the Dibicoo Consortium
DIBICOO opens call for Biogas Project Proposals & Concepts from interested individuals, industries, companies, municipalities, businesses, and corporations as well as biogas project developers wishing to install large scale biogas digesters, waste to energy projects and biomass gasification to submit their concept notes by 20th May, 2020.
Please click on this online application form and complete the information therein.
Selected Demo projects will receive technical assistance to develop bankable proposals up to the investment stage. About 5 projects will be selected under the Dibicoo Project and supported through capacity building and technical support from the European Union Consortium of Experts under the Dibicoo Project to get all documentation ready for investment.
A Zoom/Skype clarification Call on Friday 24th April 2020 at 10:00am prompt for those who would need further clarifications in completing the forms. Kindly register and share your skype ID with [email protected] to be invited to the meeting.
For any clarifications please email [email protected] or Contact 0244108268 / +233 27 931 8852
Countries where Dibico Project is Implemented

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Westland Boulevard Rd.
Rawlings Circle,
Madina Estates,
GM - 022-095 (GPS)
Accra Ghana.